Watermelon Lemon-Parsley Rice Salad

July 2, 2021
What I love in this recipe is that is so versatile and flexible that you can literally switch any of its ingredients to fit your taste or the season. You can experiment with different ingredients: switch out parsley for cilantro, or dill; swap green onion for red onion, or farro or bulgur, barley instead of the rice. Add in some roasted veggies like bell peppers, or broccoli if you like something more filling. I still highly recommend you keeping is the watermelon, not only for it’s lovely lycopene content (an antioxidant), but because it adds a wonderful juicy crunch that stays rather crisp and fresh, but I noticed that diced tomatoes, for example, tend to soften over time.
watermelon rice salad on a purple plate

Watermelon Lemon-Parsley Rice Salad

Recipe Type: Allergen Free Detox Salads
utensils YIELDS 2–3 servings
herb graphic for recipe card
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • 1 cup finely diced watermelon
  • 2–3 tbsp parsley, dried or fresh, finely diced
  • 2 green onions, finely chopped
  • 1/2 can canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 3 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1–2 tbs olive oil
  • to taste salt, pepper
  • to taste hot sauce ( I used jabanero sauce)
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1. If you need prepare the rice and let it cool down before, or you can use leftover rice as well as I did for this one.

2. In a large bowl, combine cooled, cooked rice , parsley, green onions and chickpeas. Add in lemon juice, olive oil, and season with salt, pepper, and hot sauce to your preference.

3. Let it sit for about 20–30 minutes so the flavors combine well.

4. Add in the diced watermelon just before serving.

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Photo: Imola Toth

Imola is a Hatha and Ashtanga yoga teacher, tree planter and writer and editor of Raised by the Wolf, an online magazine for Wild Women, with a passion for exploring and life outdoors. Originally from Hungary but currently planting trees and rewilding the enchanting forests of France. Hop over to RBTW magazine, and blog and follow her on Instagram @yogiraisedbythewolf


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