3 Steps To Take The Reins Of Your *Entire* Day Within 15 Mins Of Waking

July 1, 2022

How we start our morning can make a huge difference in the way the rest of our day unfolds. The first few minutes of the day can set the tone for how we approach our usual routine—as well as the curve balls that inevitably come our way. While these moments may seem insignificant—and experienced through a groggy haze—you may be surprised by the power you have over your day via this brief and bleary time.

I, for one, have noticed that going over a few basic, non-woo woo intentions for the day transports me out of my morning default (my default is to feel daunted by what lies ahead and burned out before I even put my contacts in—not a great starting place!). After a mindful morning (we’re really just talking the first 15 minutes or so), I feel more supported, more aware of the abundance in my life, and more in control. It’s self-love in action.

3 Ways To Take The Reigns Of Your *Entire* Day Within 15 Mins Of Waking

Whether or not you’re a morning person, you’ll likely find that the following tips can go a long way in setting the tone for the entire day. Don’t worry, there’s no formal meditation involved for those who don’t have the time or interest for that! These tips can be easily incorporated into any morning routine (including those routines that are just about padding into the kitchen to start the espresso machine…).

Exactly How To Have An Uplifting First 15 Mins Of The Day (No Meditation Needed!)

3 Ways To Take The Reigns Of Your *Entire* Day Within 15 Mins Of Waking

Be intentional about your first thoughts.

Upon waking, we may be inclined to feel a host of less-than-positive thoughts. Ugh, my throat is dry. I wish I could skip my meeting. Why isn’t it Friday yet? I just want another hour of sleep… etc. I think these are perfectly natural, especially if you’re waking up dehydrated/hungry/groggy; it’s completely normal to have an ugh feeling as we’re getting out of bed. The important thing is to just let those come and go while ultimately drowning them out with more productive thinking. It can be as simple as I am grateful for this day or You’re doing great. Taking the reins of your thoughts this early in the day helps establish a healthy precedent for how you treat yourself as the day unfolds.

Have a plan for how you will interact with your devices.

3 Ways To Take The Reigns Of Your *Entire* Day Within 15 Mins Of Waking

Our positive thinking can quickly get derailed if we check our phones upon waking and run into grim news or something irritating or distracting on social media. Plan to catch up on all the goings on after you’ve made it out of bed and have had some time to yourself. I prefer to leave my phone in airplane mode while I’m sleeping, so I’m not hit with notifications when I check the time. (You can still use your phone’s alarm while you’re completely offline!)

Consider how you will add value that day.

3 Ways To Take The Reigns Of Your *Entire* Day Within 15 Mins Of Waking

Reminding ourselves that we have a purpose (of any scope) can be a powerful way to start your day. In my own experience, it’s easy to get bogged down with unwieldy, existential questions of one’s grand purpose, but let’s not stress about that in the morning, y’all! Rather, start small. Maybe you’ll be making dinner for your family that evening. Maybe you plan to call a friend who could use hearing a friendly voice. Maybe you’re going to show up to your job and take one thing at a time. Maybe you’re going to be your usual nice self to the people around you. All of those things add value, and they’re important. Allow these mini-missions to build your confidence going into the day.    


What’s your favorite way to start the day mindfully?

Related: 5 Stretches You Should Do Every Morning

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Photo: Kaboompics

Peaceful Dumpling Beauty Editor and creator of Bisou du Jour, Mary Hood Luttrell lives with her husband in Corpus Christi, Texas. Mary is a freelance writer and writing and blogging consultant. A lover of whole foods, Mary delights in learning new ways to prepare vegan dishes. Mary also enjoys reading and writing poetry, art journaling, running, and practicing yoga and ballet. Follow Mary on her blog Bisou du Jour, Instagram and Pinterest.


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