Traditional Russian Food: Kompot (Dried Fruits Drink)

January 20, 2014

Here is an easy, warm sweet treat for the very cold week we have ahead of us, thanks to the Polar Vortex. (We are staying in the 20s all week in NYC).

It seems like every culture has a version of a sweet wintery tea flavored with spices and fruit. Kompot is a popular beverage in Russia, which can be served hot, warm or cold. A combination of any kind of dried fruits is used for making kompot, for example: dried rings of apple and pear, raisins, prunes, and apricots. In this version of kompot I used about 3/4 cup of dried pieces of mango, pear, and pine-apple, raisins and prunes.

Kompot - step 1. Put all the dried fruit in a pot Kompot - step 2. Add cinnamon sticks. Kompot - cinnamon sticks and stevia Kompot - final result

After rinsing dried fruits, place them in a pot and fill it with water, add 2 sticks of cinnamon; bring to a boil. After it boiled for a couple of minutes, turn off fire, add 1/4 tsp of Stevia and leave it for some time to soak in hot water. After this kompot is ready.

3 cups of available dried fruits

2 cinnamon sticks

¼ tsp of Stevia

Besides being a warming, sweet treat, compot is a great way to get more cinnamon, which can lower blood sugar in people with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Cinnamon also reduces inflammation, relieves indigestion, and boosts the immune system–so drink away!

Related: Different Types of Tea and Their Benefits

5 Warming and Healing Spices



Photo: Larisa Tazmin

A passionate environmentalist, Larisa Tazmin stopped consuming any kind of animal protein long ago after realizing how much resources are taken from nature and how much toxic waste is released in order to produce animal food. Having recently retired from her 9-to-5 job, Larisa is looking for an opportunity to help others lead a healthy life through lifestyle coaching based on her knowledge of plant-based alkaline living and fitness (Bikram yoga, jogging, kickboxing/karate, swimming, rebounding). Larisa's other passions are traveling, writing, and learning to dance. Larisa lives in Brooklyn, Williamsburg, and she is originally from Siberia, Russia.


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