Raw Vegan Recipes: Banana Coconut Mini Cupcakes

September 14, 2015
Can you NOT love dessert? From my point of you, the answer would be a resounding “No!” However, I am realistic enough to admit that there may one…perhaps two of you out there, somewhere. However, for the rest of us, I have something very special for us. I have created the most amazing rich, creamy and flavorful raw mini-cupcakes, that I am absolutely thrilled to share with you. I haven’t always been one to love raw desserts, In fact, for most of my life, it was actually the exact opposite. I grew into my love affair with raw desserts- all raw foods- actually. It certainly wasn’t an all-in overnight head-over-heels kind of love either. It slowly ignited and eventually burned in me, like a single ember in a waning fire. Bit by bit, as I tried more and more raw foods and became more comfortable trying traditional baked or cooked foods- raw. Eventually, I became more open, to finally creating my own foods raw as well. I’ll be the first to admit I used to love to prepare baked desserts... btw… I still do on occasion. However, as I began to eat increasing amounts of healthier foods, I noticed that my tastes changed, the things I long for are now much different, better for me, lighter and much more natural. Not everyone looks at traditional cupcakes and muffins and wonders, “How could I make that with only raw ingredients?” I certainly didn’t used to. But now, it’s the first thought that creeps across my mind, and I couldn’t be happier about it. There are many benefits to eating food raw. It’s easier for our bodies to digest. The ingredients, unaltered, in their natural state, help our bodies absorb as much nutrients as possible from them. Here is only a small sample of the many benefits of these astounding ingredients. Bananas- are naturally fat and cholesterol free. They are also great sources of potassium, B6 and fiber. Coconut- regulates blood sugar, and maintains brain health. Pecans- full of Vitamins A, B and E, calcium and zinc. I have been on a health journey this past year. In the process I lost weight, but gained more much more than I ever lost. I gained more self-confidence and an appreciation for all the amazing healthy raw foods out there. Eventually, through trial and error, I started to also believe in my ability to harness the beauty of natural ingredients and blend them into some amazing dishes. I started to experiment with various versions of ingredients. I know that we all have individual preferences. So, if you prefer certain nuts over the ones I chose, go ahead and use those. Feel free to use the ones that you prefer, in the end, this recipe is for you to try and enjoy. I personally love pecans and almonds anyway, but with coconut you really can’t go wrong. However, make sure you use the unsweetened coconut. You don’t need the excess sweetness, plus they use artificial processes to get the sugar into it. Try my recipe below.
Raw Vegan Banana Coconut Mini Cupcakes

Raw Vegan Recipes: Banana Coconut Mini Cupcakes

Recipe Type: Sweets
utensils YIELDS 6-8 mini-cupcakes
herb graphic for recipe card
  • 1 cup Raw Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
  • 1 Banana
  • 1/4 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • 2 tablespoons Coconut Sugar
  • pinch Salt
  • 2 tablespoons Pecan Chips
  • 2 tablespoons Almond Slices
        graphic for recipe card


1.) Mix the coconut, coconut oil, banana, vanilla, coconut sugar, and salt in a blender for about 1 to 2 minutes, until smooth. 2.) Scoop the mixture out into a mini-muffin/cupcake baking pan, and fill to about ½ way full. 3.) Top with about 2 tablespoons each of the pecans and almonds. 4.) Freeze the cupcakes in the pan. I recommend for 2-3 hours for a thoroughly frozen result. Check after 1 hour. 5.) Use a cooled spoon to scoop out of pan. 6. They taste best cold, so remove from the freezer, just before serving. 7.) Enjoy : )

Alexandra Kudukis is a freelance journalist currently writing for Dirva, Draugas News, and Draugas Newspapers, contributing articles in both English and Lithuanian. She began her informal journalistic training at the tender age of four when she began attending concerts with her mother’s best friend Jane Scott, the premier rock music reporter for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. Everything she knows from the structure of a good article to conducting an engaging interview- including how to be gracious and kind even in the most difficult of situations, she learned from Jane. She has completed her first novel, a dynamic struggle of a woman letting go of childhood dreams while attempting to balance a horric home life and burgeoning career. Alexandra has also just completed her first full-length screenplay chronicling the young adult lives of children from Eastern European families, misfits trying (and failing) to find success as first generation Americans. She has an M.P.A. from Cleveland State University, which has provided her a broad base on which to base her career.Her blog details the trials and triumphs of an aspiring writer. She studied German and Russian as an undergraduate and loves to travel. Alexandra currently resides in Fountain Valley, CA with her animal companions, two cats Isabella and Victoria and Pierre, a rescue pigeon.


always stay inspired!
