Reader Appreciation Holiday Giveaway!

December 11, 2013

christmas gift copy

We all have people we’re thankful for, especially around the holidays. My list of people who make my life so much brighter is particularly long this year. First, I have all of our Peaceful Dumpling editors and contributors who not only share my love of vegan food and living well, but also that of writing. (You probably know most of us by now but here is the complete list, along with our animal overlords).

Then, I have to thank our Peaceful Dumpling readers, who like and comment on our Facebook links, who send me questions or even email just to say hello, who occasionally answer our questions (is it okay to hold onto non-vegan clothing and accessories?), who try our recipes and read our newsletters, and who just keep returning day after day. I’m really grateful for each of our readers, their generous spirit, camaraderie, sincerity, and good humor…which is why we’re giving away this Reader Appreciation package to one lucky winner!

To enter the contest, you do…nothing. Except sign up for our newsletter, so we can contact you if you win. Just use the red box to the right > to enter your email. If you’ve already signed up, we’ve got you covered!

Here’s what’s inside our Reader Appreciation package:

Vegetable Literacy by Deborah Madison, a Peaceful Dumpling Best Books of 2013 selection ($40.00 value)

Vegan Express by Nava Atlas ($18.99 value)

-a Lenny & Larry The Complete Cookie ($2.49 value)

-a Peaceful Dumpling tee shirt (priceless)

-a Mystery Gift (???)


Thank you again!! We won’t be a Peaceful Dumpling community without you!

xo Juhea

1476543_581594685227218_2137260809_np.s. Here is what the winner of our Petit Vour giveaway received. It could be you this time!


Juhea is the founder and editor of Peaceful Dumpling and the author of bestselling novel Beasts of a Little Land. Follow Juhea on Instagram @peacefuldumpling, @juhea_writes and Pinterest.


always stay inspired!
