How To Exercise While on Vacation

December 24, 2013


Whether we’re visiting home, vacationing in the tropics, or driving cross-country to see your beloved, most of us are on the move during the holiday season. But between the long, arduous hours of waiting at the airport, riding the train, or situated in the back seat of an all-too-cramped car, our movement is often limited.

For me, exercise is a constant in my life. No matter the circumstances, you will find me at the gym each morning, sweating out the negative and replenishing my body with a healthy dose of endorphins. When I’m traveling, I continue to make exercise a priority. Not only does it help me maintain physical wellness, but it also provides a level of consistency and sense of home that I wouldn’t otherwise possess.

This winter, if you’re traveling somewhere far or foreign, you’re likely to find yourself without a gym and other exercise equipment. Never fear! You don’t have to sacrifice fitness just because you’re somewhere different. Below are some tips to supplement your exercise routine while you’re away from home.

Go outside. My favorite exercise locale (weather permitting) is the great outdoors. Now, I realize not everyone is experiencing the 70 degree sunshine in Arizona, but for those that have this luxury, do take advantage! I like to jog around my old neighborhood in the mornings for a gentle yet invigorating start to the day. By night, it’s equally beneficial to take a stroll with family. At this time of year, why not take along some tea or vegan hot cocoa and enjoy the Christmas lights?

Get online. Perhaps you’re travel destination isn’t particularly amenable to many outside excursions. That’s perfectly fine; we live in an age that offers a slew of online options, from high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts to guided yoga practices. Try to find a series of workouts that don’t require a lot of equipment. Personally, I’m enjoying FitnessBlender videos on YouTube and YogaGlo (the website offers a 15 day free trial) for a varied routine to counter my predictable routine of jogging and crunches. Find a sizable, clear space where you aren’t likely to be disrupted, and enjoy!

Visit a studio. If you’re lucky enough to be in proximity to one or more fitness studios, by all means, take advantage! Most yoga and fitness studios offer “new student” or “beginner” discounts. Even though your stay is temporary, you can still use these discounted offers within your limited time frame. For example, while I’m home, I’ve signed up for two weeks of unlimited yoga classes at a studio near my parent’s house. If you have a family member that belongs to a nearby studio, ask about tagging along during his or her next workout. Often, studios allow members to bring guests for no additional charge.

The task of exercise can always be a little daunting, especially during the winter months. When traveling to new places, fitting in physical activity can seem nearly impossible. However, with a little preparation and creativity, making time for exercise will benefit your physical and mental health. So get sweating!

Do you have any valuable tips for exercising while traveling?


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Photo: Molly Lansdowne

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Contributing Editor Molly Lansdowne lives in Boston, Massachusetts. In her free time, she enjoys writing, practicing yoga, and traveling around New England. Follow Molly on Pinterest @bostonvegan and Instagram @molly_lansdowne.


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