These 5 Journaling Prompts Will Help You Manifest Creative Energy

October 28, 2016

These 5 Journaling Prompts Will Help You Tap Into Your Creative Ambition

If you find that between all those fun Halloween parties, you’ve got a bit of downtime this weekend, consider sitting down with your favorite notebook and reconnecting with your creative vision. That’s what I plan on doing. Or something to that effect.

It’s been a while since I’ve felt creative. There’s no real justification for that feeling, however, because I create almost every day. I experiment with flavors in the kitchen, I play around with makeup shades, and it seems like I’m always writing in my various jobs. All of those things are creative, and all of them bring me joy.

When I perform these creative acts in the context of my busy life and our overstimulating world, however, I rarely ever step back to indulge in the larger picture. The days’ moments feel disparate and literal. Adding a pinch of curry to a salad is just that. Writing an article becomes less about telling a story and more about typing on keys and connecting clauses.

Perhaps this perspective comes, in part, from being detailing oriented and careful. I think about the little things. But I feel more whole when I set the details aside and dream about the future and how I can further my creative (and career) endeavors, how I can shape my life.

Taking time to think about my larger creative goals encourages me to keep growing and moving forward. And nothing gets these thoughts flowing quite like journalling.  The following journalling prompts are designed to help you connect with your creative visions and ambition. So grab your notebook and your coffee, silence your internal editor, and get writing!

5 Journaling Prompts to Remind You of Your Creative Dreams

These 5 Journalling Prompts Will Help Your Tap Into Your Creative Ambition

1. Take a moment to think about when you’ve felt most mentally alive. Where were you? Who were you with? What were your doing? What was your role in channeling that feeling?  Journal about how you can cultivate a similar joy in daily life.

2. Make a list of 10 objects that inspire you (these objects can be things that you own or things you’ve seen and admired). Journal about what draws you to these images. Next, consider what themes your explanations have in common. What feelings do these themes evoke, and what do they say about what you want to create in life?

3. Complete the following:

My sanctuary is:

I read:

I secretly love:

I’m my best self when:

I’m my worst self when:

I nourish myself with:

The part of the world that most inspires me:

I love it when people:

Books that changed my life:

Songs that will never get old:

Artists I admire:

My muse is:

4. Describe the ideal day from beginning to end. Be as specific as possible, and think about why this day is so wonderful. Consider how you move through this dream day. What rhythm do you crave?

5. You may have come across the quote, “Be the type of energy that no matter where you go, you always add value to the spaces and lives around you.” How do you add unique value to the people you’re around? What role does your creativity play? What are the blocks you encounter to manifesting this energy, and how do you work through them?

What are your favorite ways to stay creative?

Related: It’s Your Career, Not Theirs—5 Tips for Carving Your Own Path

Dream Catcher: Tapping the Unconscious for Health and Creativity

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Photo: Kaboompics

Peaceful Dumpling Beauty Editor and creator of Bisou du Jour, Mary Hood Luttrell lives with her husband in Corpus Christi, Texas. Mary is a freelance writer and writing and blogging consultant. A lover of whole foods, Mary delights in learning new ways to prepare vegan dishes. Mary also enjoys reading and writing poetry, art journaling, running, and practicing yoga and ballet. Follow Mary on her blog Bisou du Jour, Instagram and Pinterest.


always stay inspired!
